CExBackup::HrESEBackupRestoreGetNodes: Error Number 0xc7ff07d7: Unable to perform the operation. Either you can not connect to the specified server or the service you are trying to connect to is not running.


CExBackup::HrESEBackupRestoreGetNodes: Error Number 0xc7ff07d7:
Unable to perform the operation. Either you can not connect to
the specified server or the service you are trying to connect
to is not running.


This error ususally occurs when the SQL server or exchange server that we are backing up, is not running or present on the server anymore.


Check if the specified SQL or Exchange service is running. If not, start it.

If for any reason, the server has been removed from the present server or has been moved to another server, please contact CyberSecure support to get it setup in another location.