Support Docs
Where are the log files located?
Standard/advanced edition
- Open the file C:\Program Files\CyberSecure\home.txt
You will see something SIMILAR to the following EXAMPLES:
- c:\users\admin\.obm
- c:\users\admin\.acb
- c:\documents and settings\admin\.obm
- Make a note of this location and go to it in Windows Explorer
- You will find the following logs in subfolders UNDER this location:
- Scheduler logs
- Relative Path: .\log\Scheduler\debug.log
- Example: c:\users\admin\.obm\log\Scheduler\debug.log
- Backup logs:
- Relative Path: .\log\%BACKUP_ID%\Backup
- Example: c:\users\admin\.obm\log\1427246943516\Backup
- Restore logs:
- Relative Path: .\log\%BACKUP_ID%\Restore
- Example: c:\users\admin\.obm\log\1427246943516\Restore
- The %BACKUP_ID% is a unique identifier for each backup set. It can be found by checking the backup report
Mac OS X
- The active user profile path specifies where to look for the profile settings (called $PROFILEPATH)
- The scheduler log is located under $USERPROFILE/Scheduler/debug.log
- Backup logs are under $USERPROFILE/log/Backup
- Restore logs are under $USERPROFILE/log/Restore