How to backup genie on Mac OS


  1. Setup Genie to dump its database (turn off compression and encryption) to a location, henceforth called GENIE_BACKUPS
  2. Create a blank folder somewhere (preferably on the SAME volume as GENIE_BACKUPS), this will be called CYBER_BACKUPS and you will point the CS Advanced to backup this location
  3. Download the script and save to a stable location (eg. /Users/<username>/.obm)


  1. Setup a backup set called “GenieDB”
  2. Backup source = CYBER_BACKUPS
  3. Add a pre-command with the following parameters:
    1. Name: prepareDB
    2. Command:
    3. Working dir: /Users/<username>/.obm
  4. Modify the script variables (eg):
    1. GENIE_BACKUPS=”/Applications/Genie/Backups”
    2. CYBER_BACKUPS=”/Users/<username>/cs-genie-dest”
  5. The Genie backup dump will need to be scheduled so a complete backup is done well before the CS agent attempts its backup.